Thursday, September 10, 2009


Belgian Triple

Ratebeer 3.38 80th percentile
Beer Advocate B+

Taste +3

A normal pour produced a huge frothy head that never left. The smell is slightly spicy, phenolic with light fruits (apricots and oranges). The taste is oddly smooth and easy drinking for a strong beer. While heavy on the carbonation, the spices, yeast, bread and apricots flavours do not get overpowered. If I could compare it to something it would be apricot jam.

Aftertaste +1

At the end there is a slight cooling sensation with a lingering of fireweed honey. It was like sucking on a peach cream popsicle.

Alcohol Content +1 8%

Beware of the smooth taste.

Value 0

It was a very nice beer and I appreciate the style. The brew just didn't move me.

Ingame Enhancement 0

No game, just rest.

Overall 5/10

This really is a nice beer, especially if you like a Belgian triple. For some reason it just didn't grab me. The taste was a little mellow for a strong Belgian.

St. Bernardus

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