Saturday, April 23, 2011

High Tide Hemp Ale (Howe Sound)

My opinions about hemp ales is pretty low. It is not that I don't like the style, but often they lack the flavours you would expect. Most of the ones I have tried are mostly hype and not a lot of actual hemp flavour. I am particularly suspicious when they are released in April.
High Tide Hemp Ale = 6/10

Ratebeer 2.98/5 (5 ratings)
Beer Advocate B+

The nose is very promising: vaguely nutty, toasted and caramelized. The medium-full delivers a standard sweetish ale (wee heavy) but the extras make this brew a unique one. You can actually taste the particularly nuttiness that is characteristic of hemp. The just right balance of hemp nuttiness, slight sherry malts and herbal hops makes this brew very drinkable. After every gulp, yup this is gulpable, there is a decent slick coating of sweet nuttiness.

Taste +3
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content 0 5.5%
Value +1
Appearance +1 (great ruby colour and fun label: not overly 4:20 hipster)

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