Monday, August 3, 2009

Dick Grand Cru and Loss

Flavius: OMG did you hear that Michael Jackson died?
Meterman: Yes, it is old news. He died in August 2007.
F: No, not the Beer Hunter MJ, the King of Pop MJ.
M: How is that relevant to anything?
F: Actually it isn't.
M: I bet they could put his body straight into a wax museum and it wouldn't degrade.
F: Maybe in a few years they can dig him up and do a Thriller tour and not have to do makeup.

Dick's Grand Cru

Ratebeer 3.4 79th percentile
Beer Advocate B

Taste +4

The nose is oddly absent with just a faint alcoholic cherry, yeast and plum. Wow, the taste just jumps out at you. Right away you get the alcohol burn, which is only slightly ahead of sour cherry, bourbon, plum and caramel. It is quite intense. There is more plum and yeast presence as the beer warms up.

Aftertaste +2

The long alcohol burn carries caramel and yeast down the throat. The lingering is there until the next drink; which is never far away.

Alcohol Content +1 10%

It burns, but in a nice way, not like syphilis.

Value +1

Yup this one is a keeper, especially if you light strong darker Belgian style beers.

Ingame Enhancement +1

This was a Seattle beer; after this Gord and I walked up to the Stumbling Monk Pub. Highly recommended if you are ever in Seattle.
Overall 9/10

While not as good and Chimay blue or a Rochefort, it is a very close second.

Chimay Blue
Rochefort 8 and the Stig
Brother Thelonius and Blade Runner Boobs

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