Saturday, February 18, 2012

Shiner Bock

Crap! I have to make an effort to say something witty and smrt sounding because people are reading. So this one of the most well known brands of beer in the US. It's not on par with BUD, but more the Pabst level. It is also a poser beer. It's not a bock for a few reasons. The first is that it is weak. The second is that it is weak. The third is that is doesn't come from un-spellable town in Belgium. The fourth is that you can see through it. Forget the fifth, tick tick tick. I bought this beer based on name alone.

Shiner Bock = 2/10
Ratebeer 2.58 19th  percentile
Beer Advocate 71%

This reminds me of another beer that calls itself a bock, but doesn't taste like one. FYI the local on tastes really good. Even BJCP calls it an American Dark Lager. I call it weak smelling of light lager and grass. YES, lager is a smell, check the dictionary. While you are busy with that: the taste is boring toffee, egg whites and buttery. This brew would taste great over popcorn. Thankfully the ending was quick; just like a last drop. Overall it sux. That is a bit harsh. Call it a gateway beer, until you drink some real craft beer. Grab a New Belgium Ranger and mess yourself up.

Taste +2
Aftertaste 0
Alcohol Content -1 4.4%
Value 0
Appearance +1 (legendary name alone wins)

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