Ratebeer 3.06 43rd percentile
Beer Advocate B
Taste +4
The nose hints of hoppiness to come, but balanced with caramel and roasted malt. This is a very drinkable IPA. There is just enough pine and floral hops to slightly overpower the caramel sweetness.
Aftertaste +1
Only a trace of alcohol and carbonation tingle carries away the residue of hop bitterness. The pine and floral hints are not overpowering.
Alcohol Content 0 6%
Just on the edge.
Value +1
This is a very drinkable IPA. I have already bought 3 six pack so far.
Ingame Enhancement +1
It is hard to get electricity and WiFi while camping. I did learn that this beer tastes good slightly warm and dirty.
Overall 7/10
It may be argued that IPA's should have a knock-down hop bitterness, but I disagree. I enjoyed this IPA; it has a nice balance between the knock-downs and weakling IPA (Alex Keiths).
Racer 5 IPA and the bailout
Stone IPA
Broken Halo IPA
I actually had this when i was in Victoria in a taste pack and it was pretty good, however I was more impressed with the VI Spyhopper than this one, can you guys do a review on that beer?
I tried this beer in a GI taster pack, however I seemed to have been more in favor of the VI Spyhopper beer.
I would enjoy seeing a review on that beer :)
Skyhopper, sure PK for you anything
erm.. yes... SKYhopper, sorry I didnt bring any back with me so I did manage to get the name wrong :0
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