Flavius: I didn't get the Tim Hortons job.
Meterman: Shocking. Lets try to improve your interview questions.
M:"What was you last employer's opinion of you?"
F:Very low, his last words to me were, "I never want to see your ugly face again."
M:"What do you see as most attractive about the job?"
F: The lack of responsibility, subervision and little accountability.
M:"What are your long term goals"
F: Try to reduce my number of court appearances.
M: I find it hard to believe you are unemployed.
Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout (12th Anniversary) by
Stone Brewing
3.85 97th Percentile
This was an impulse buy at a Whole Foods in Las Vegas. I am truly a sucker for oatmeal stouts and cool looking bottles.
Taste +4
Ouch, this is a full-on oatmeal stout; sharp bitter chocolate and coffee/espresso flavours hit you right away. The nose is of burnt toast and ethanol. It feels almost as thick as oatmeal when you drink it.
Aftertaste +2
Very impressive finish; once the bitter chocolate and coffee fades you can pick up hints of raisins, vanilla and so many more.
Alcohol +1 9.2%
You can sure taste it on this one. The flavour seems right at home with this strong tasting beer.
Value 0
If you factor in airfare, Whole Paycheck markup and travel time this gets to be one expensive beer.
Ingame Enhancement +1
This night was the monthly Clan ARC PS3 Gran Turismo and beers night (a.k.a drinking and driving). It was also a plus because Meterman didn't wake up nauseatingly hung over.
This review is a little bit biased, stouts are my favourite beer. This one certainly made into the top five.