Phillips Instigator Doppelbock 2009
Ratebeer 3.06 45th percentile
Beer Advocate B+
Taste +3
When you pop the top nothing happens. The pour also reveals little; the nose is faint of sherry and cherry juice. The taste improves the situation. It is full and creamy, but oddly watery for a big doppel. All the standard things are there: sherry, caramel, vanilla and alcohol. It is just not grabbing me. I was not sure if it was the alcohol or hops that bit me at the end.
Aftertaste +1
The caramel malt sweetness and ethanol fade fast leaving a slight cola glycerin coating on the tongue.
Alcohol Content +1 8.5%
It does warm the soul.
Value 0
I was a little let down by this one. Perhaps it is because the last few beers I have tried were really good doppelbocks.
Ingame Enhancement +1
It was Monday night which means only on thing... L4D2 night in Canada. I bet you were thinking football.
Overall 6/10
This is a good, solid doppelbock. Just ignore my comments; I think that I am becoming more finicky these days. It was good, strong and malty.
Widmer Bros Cherry Dopplebock
Winterbier Dopple and how beer saved my prostate
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Well, thank you Mr/s Anonymous, you are too kind.
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