Ratebeer 2.8/5 no rating
The story, if you believe it, is that this beer was found at the back of the cellar. It has been aging on oak for 12 years. Was sampled on tap at Solomon's in Victoria.
Taste +4
The nose is sharp, vineous, yeasty and darkly fruity. This is a sipping beverage. Flavours of acetic acid, tart cassis, yeast and wood overwhelm the tongue with every little sip. Just a little sip is enough to cleanse the slimiest of palates.
Aftertaste +2
The long, sour tastes remind you of a dry blackcurrant wine.
Alcohol Content 0 5.4%
Not listed, but pulled from ratebeer.
Value +1
This is like nothing I have ever tasted. Like a Rodenbach turned up a few notches.
Ingame Enhancement +1
No game tonight. I just sat in Solomon's and enjoyed this beer in the company of my family.
Overall 8/10
This is something to be tasted at least once in a lifetime. Hopefully this will still be on tap somewhere. I heard the Alibi Room had some..
Rodenbach Grand Cru
Chapeau Kriek Lambic
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