Showing posts with label Belgium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belgium. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2015

Barque by Lighthouse

I love a good 18D. Perhaps I should explain myself. 18D is the BJCP style guidelines for a Belgian Golden Strong Ale. One might think of these beers as imperial Pilsners fermented with ester producing yeast strains. It is wonderful when a simple brew using mostly pale/Pilsner malts, some simple sugars and noble hops create such a flavourful beverage with deceptive strength. When one things of a 18D, there is only one example: Duvel. The aroma has depth of light fruits, spices and oddly no alcohol. Each sip carries on where the nose left off with an additional effervescence and subtle warmth. So how did the Barque stand up to this world renowned beer.

Barque = 9/10 

Everything started from the moment the cap hit the floor. Sadly the initial fruitiness faded to reveal an unassuming nose of moderated spices, dry yeast and mushy bread. Things got real with the sip. It was Duvel, everything was there; the soft chewy bready, the abundance of pears, lemons and apricot baby food. But something else was riding on this creamy, effervescent flavour wave. It must be the south side Wai-iti hops with their lemon and orange zip. Sadly the ending was too clean. Stellar, certainly a contented for Victoria beer of the year.

Taste +5
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content +1 8.2%
Value +1
Appearance +1 (Nice label art but I wish there was some tasting notes on the label)

Glassware: Duvel glass. Only a Duvel glass. Most certainly a Duvel art glass.

Food Pairings: With spicy and calm sweet flavours, this beer is a must with a spicy pasta dish. I'm thinking about a simple pesto - heavy with garlic - topped with Parmigiano-Reggiano. Thai food is a lime presence would bring out the citrus in the Barque. Try it with dessert of key lime pie.

Cellar: Duvel has been known to improve with age. This might just do the same. It is surprisingly well priced for the quality, I plan to put a few down.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Spinnakers Belgian Porter

Why can't someone just release a normal porter? There are flavoured porters, imperial porters and now a Belgian porter. The porter is a wonderfully drinkable beer. It is a perfect blend of equal parts
roast, chocolate and earthy hops. I'm not sure how a usually spicy yeast will play upon a balanced dark ale.

Spinnakers Belgian Porter = 7/10

The nose is very porter-like with dark fruits/berries, dry chocolate and a slight bit of ash. There is a mild hint of the spicy yeast flavours apparent in the nose. This porter is a smooth sip with one surprise. A slightly minty hop flavour is balanced with bittersweet chocolate, dried berries and potted plant. The Belgian yeast only provides the slightest of spiciness. It is most noticeable in the short lived, calm spicy chocolate linger.

Taste +4
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content 0 6%
Value +1
Appearance +1

Glassware: A tulip would be optimal but anything will do

Food pairing. Think of things roasted, earthy or fruity. Might be nice with a spicy Mexican chocolate cake. I would choose a grilled Portabello mushroom burger.

Cheese: This beer could stand up to some potent cheeses. A mild Stilton would be nice or a smoked Gouda.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Belgian Black 2013

A yearly repeat beer rarely gets a second mention unless something is different. Dean mentioned that the recipe for Belgian Black was slightly different this year. The taste reflects this.

Belgian Black = 10/10

Last year I mentioned that this tasted like a ramped up Keepers stout. This year a lot of that roast is gone which allows more berries and yeast spiciness to waft out of the glass. Each sip warms and coated the tongue with a glycerin like thickness. Then the flavours come: dark fruits, all spice, and highly conched bittersweet chocolate. Maybe there is a bit of rum and raisin pudding in there too. Each sip and change in temperature reveals something new. Lost is the astringency but gained is a smooth sweet finish. I don't think this is cellar worthy because there are no harsh flavours that need to be mellowed out. After a while that spicy yeast might be lost, which would be tragic.

Taste +5
Aftertaste +2
Alcohol Content +1 9%ABV
Value +1
Appearance +1 still great label art

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Son of the Morning (Driftwood)

So do you want the good news, or the bad news first? Bad news it is. I tried the Son of the Morning by Driftwood last night. Perhaps the name of the beer is in homage to the greatest strong Belgian pale ale, Duvel. Duvel means 'devil' in some Flemish dialects. In case you haven't Googled it already: Son of the Morning is another name of Lucifer. Check out Isaiah 14:12-15 for reference about the dark angel's throw down.  Judging by the rest of the label, I don't think they were referring to Venus. Was there truly Witchcraft used to make this beer? The pentacle in the label background hints at this fact.

What did the beer prick think?

Son of the Morning = 3/10

Perhaps I judge the beers from Driftwood a little harsher because most of their releases are awesome. I felt this one of was lackluster. Lets compare it with BCJP guidelines for a strong Belgian Ale. The aroma was heavy with the alcohols and earthy spices/hops. These esters became apparent as soon as the cap popped. Lots of fruit alcohols, fermenting pear and apricot baby food, and light Christmas cake. A little too burning perhaps. The earthy coriander spice was a nice touch. No luck in finding the long-lasting fluffy-white head. Strong Belgian ales should hide their alcohol well. Alcohol burns for the first few sips; luckily it numbs that tongue and you can pick out the flavours. Fermented pit fruits (apricots, pears), Rogers golden syrup, coriander and miscellaneous spices can be coaxed out of the golden elixir. At the end, a long burning alcohol washed away everything for a dry, mouthwash like finish. Maybe I am being a bit harsh, this is not a bad beer. It does have many outstanding benchmark brews. If you don't believe me, pick up a Duvel or a Delirium Tremens. Duvel should be at every BC Government liquor store. Rumour has it that Delirium is on tap at Vis a Vis in Oak Bay.

Taste +2
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content +1 10%
Value 0
Appearance -1 (found the label undescriptive and offensive. Had to hide it from my daughter)

Other strong reviews
Delirium Tremens
Batch 666 Swan's
Rayon Vert (Green Flash)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Noir De Dottignies (De Ranke)

Still committed to getting ahead on all my reviews. Only about 300 more to go.

Noir De Dottignies (De Ranke) = 7/10

Ratebeer 3.54 94th percentile
Beer Advocate B+

Everything about this brew is big. The nose is big, perhaps a bit heavy on the alcohol side but dark fruits, roast and citrus still peak through. Noir grabs your tongue early and hits with a one-two combination of alcohol slap and citrus hop bite. Once the burn vaporizes away, you get a complex mesh of plum, raisins, cocoa and dark sugar. You are visited once again in the aftertaste by an unrelenting spicy, citrus hop linger.

Taste +4
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content +1 9%
Value +1
Appearance 0 (boring label)

Wellington County Dark Ale
Petrus Special
Chambly Noir and Video Game Help

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

La Trappe Tripel spotted in Victoria

I still feel bad for chasing Brendan out of town. But this town was only big enough for one opinionated beer blogger, and my ego often swells to fill the room. As a treat after my Black IPA beer school, Lon from the Strath brought over a fresh bottle of La Trappe Tripel. This is the second Koningshoeven Trappist Ale you can get in Victoria; I have seen the quadrupel from time to time. Check out Cook Street Liquor for possible availability of the quad.
Anyways back to the tripel. Apparently it will be on tap at Clive's Classic Lounge later this year. Other great tripels include the elusive Chimay white, Westmalle and La Fin Du Monde.

La Trappe Tripel = 8/10

Ratebeer 3.57 95th percentile
Beer Advocate B+

Once you've tasted one tripel you have tasted them all; the difference is the execution. The nose is perfect: sweet with pit fruits, apricots, spicy yeast and grapenut cereal. A glorious and dry spiciness hits you first, then the malts are released. Sugared sultana raisins mix well with the slight caramel, yeast and bready malts. The ending is dry with peppery hops and spicy yeast leaving almost as much burn as the alcohol. It must be the yeast. You could unleash this yeast on barrel aged breast milk and make it taste good.

Thanks to Shawn for the great floor show. Where else in town can you get a bottle of beer sabred?

Taste +4
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content +1 8%
Value +1
Appearance +1

Westmalle Tripel and Beer Bottle Headshots
Tripel Karmeliet
St. Bernardus Tripel

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

St. Bernardus Abt 12

Another overpriced Bier Markt brew. Sometimes when you see a good beer you just gottaa...

St. Bernardus Abt 12 = 8/10

Ratebeer 4.15 100th percentile
Beer Advocate A

Painful vinous nose is not very appealing; the underlying fruitiness is what draws you in. Massive dark fruit action: prunes, plums, raisins. Mix this with green apple, candied sugar and nail polish and we have a winner of a quadrupel.

Taste +4
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content +1 10.5%
Value +1
Appearance +1 (label recognized by beer geeks everywhere)

Koningshoeven Quadrupel
Ommegang Three Philosophers
St. Bernardus Tripel

Monday, May 9, 2011

Maredsous 10 (Tripel)

This is good; I am on a roll. There has been more progress with my ticking habit than has been made in months. While in Toronto, friends of ours took us to Bier Markt. The only reason to visit this place is to drink tonnes of expensive imported beers. Bring lots of cash because the prices are not cheap. Also, underdress and flash your wedding band; this bar could also be called meat markt.

Maredsous 10 (Tripel) = 7/10

Ratebeer 3.64 97th percentile
Beer Advocate B+

Now I have had my share of tripels and this one was above average. They all kinda smell the same: spicy with apricots and nail polish. How they differ is the mouthfeel and taste. This one was particularly creamy and oddly effervescent. The alcohol burn was pleasantly well hidden. It did creep out to enhance the light fruits, apricots, peaches and cloves that bounced out of the sip. Sadly it didn't last long; lots of carbonation cleaned everything off nicely.

Taste +4
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content +1 10%
Value 0 (Don't ask what this beer cost me)
Appearance +1

St. Bernardus Tripel
Westmalle Triple and the Beer Bottle Headshot

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gueuze 100% Lambic Bio (Cantillon)

For those who may not be familiar: anything by Cantillon is glorious lambic goodness. This is a blend of 1,2 and 3 year old lambics in a re-fermented bottle. To make everything better it is organic.

Gueuze 100% Lambic Bio (Cantillon) = 8/10
Ratebeer 3.77 98th percentile
Beer Advocate A-

Nose: spicy,sweet and sour with lemon and yeast
Mouthfeel: light and effervescent, med-full, crisp yet sour
Taste: like sparking wine but not mouth pucking dry, lemon and citrus and low carbonation, wool blanket, straw, lot o-stuff
Aftertaste: a sour crispness at end.
Opinion: Yucky, no one should have to try this beer. Retailers all remaining stock can be sent to my house!

Taste +5
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content 0 5%
Value +1
Appearance +1

Storm Black Currant Lambic
Vicardin (Tripel-Gueuze)
Mort Subite Gueuze

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Petrus Special

I took a wrong turn and ended up at Chambar in Vancouver. I know that I can be a food/beer snob and I felt uncomfortable in this place. Don't ask how much this beer cost per glass.

Petrus Special = 6/10
Ratebeer 2.89 39th percentile
Beer Advocate B-

Very malty nose with plums and faint cloves can be expected from a dark Belgian like this one. It was very velvety with plums, cherries, dark sugar and a slight alcohol warmth. This slick, wet brew stayed on the tongue with lingering sweetness. Their description was "evocative of green grapes with a gentle touch of copper." I have been licking my copper bracelet for an hour and have yet to discern any sort of gentle tastes.

Taste +3
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content +1 6.5%
Value 0 (not for $10 a glass)
Appearance +1 the ambiance made up for high price

Brasserie Des Rocs Brune and no time for small talk
Brooklyn 2
Monk's Mistress

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cherish Kriek Lambic

Whenever you dive into a fruit lambic, you know there will be some sweetness. This one was a little over-done.

Cherish Kriek Lambic 4/10

Ratebeer 3.12 61st percentile
Beer Advocate B

This was a syrupy sweet fruit lambic with a light-medium mouthfeel. The colour was clear and deep red. It was very bubbly and sweet like maraschino cherries. There was only the faintest of lambic tartness at the end. What was left over was a long, slick sweet coating of mildly tart cherry syrup. I thought it was too sweet for a lambic.

Taste +3
Aftertaste +1
Alcohol Content 0 5%
Value 0 (too sweet)
Appearance 0 (boring label)

Storm Black Currant Lambic
Chapeau Kriek Lambic
Fruli Strawberry

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

La Chouffe

La Chouffe

Ratebeer 3.77 98th percentile
Beer Advocate A-

Taste +4

This is a Belgian strong ale so the golden colour and lots of carbonation are right on the mark. The large mousse head disipated quickly to form just a thin layer. Its nose is light of yeast, honey and spices(pepper). As the big carbonation tingles the throat, the alcohol warms the chest. This cleanses the way for yeast, bready, sweet light fruits (citrus) and honey flavours. The yeasty/wheat tartness imparts a full mouthfeel.

Aftertaste +1

It was very crisp and dry with just a little yeast tartness.

Alcohol Content +1 8%

Value +1

People rave about this beer and I now understand why. If you love a strong spicy Belgian ale, this is the one.

Ingame Enhancement +1

There is no memory of what I was doing or where I was. Yes, the score is being bumped up for selfish reasons.

Overall 8/10

A strong Belgian ale can be a beautiful thing, when done right. It can either be a zesty, bready, tart, fruity, spicy palate-loving brew. Or it can be a bland vehicle for high ABV and regrettable memories. Often recorded by the court stenographer. Luckily La Chouffe falls into the latter category.

Brooklyn Local 1
St. Bernardus Tripel
Saint-Martin Blond

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bruegel Amber Ale

Bruegel Amber Ale

Ratebeer 2.96 44th percentile
Beer Advocate B

Taste +2

This was an average beer; the nose too was average of yeast, bread, honey and slightly fruity. The taste was just like the nose, so no further excitement here. There was the nice floral and herbal hop bite up front. It was not so much a bit as a nibble. I actually thought it tasted a bit watery.

Aftertaste +1

It was clean but with a slippery ending of faint fruits and honey

Alcohol Content 0 5.2%

Value 0

Not really a beer of excitement.

Ingame Enhancement 0

Meh, I done with this beer.

Overall 3/10

Anyone who raves about how great all Belgian beers are needs to try this one. I found it boring and quite plain. It was a bit watery with honey sweetness, light fruits, yeast and a lackluster hop bite. In case you were wondering, the art on the label was Pieter Bruegel the Elder's The Peasant Dance.

Achel Blond
Saint-Martin Blond

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

De Koninck

This is a speed review because I have too many backlogged beer notes. Get it while it is still on tap at Clive's Classic Lounge. They also have the Fruli Strawberry beer on tap.

Ratebeer 3.09 59th percentile
Beer Advocate B

Taste +3

The nose was faintly vinous with plums, esters and light spice. This amber ale was medium-full bodied with good carbonation and a creamy mouthfeel. It was quite fruity with cherries, plums, grasses and a subdued spicy hop ending.

Aftertaste 0

The ending was quick and dry.

Alcohol Content 0 5%

No surprises here.

Value +1

I'm not sure how it would taste in a bottle, but on tap it was nice, flavourful and refreshing.

Ingame Enhancement 0

Nope none tonight.

Overall 4/10

De Koninck was a pretty good amber Belgian. It was fruity, creamy with a subdued spicy hop ending.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and a Love of Dogs
Coopers Sparkling Ale
Drifter Pale Ale

Monday, March 1, 2010

Moinettes Dupont

Moinettes Dupont

Ratebeer 3.74 96th percentile
Beer Advocate A-

Taste +4
This is a glorious Belgian Strong Ale. The nose is big with tart lemons, yeast, spices and grass. The alcohol tingle hits the tongue and provides an almost effervescent feel. There is so much going on with the spicy hops, the lemons, grasses, tart yeast and ripe light fruits. I think there were pears and apricots amongst those flavours. At the end the tart spicy bitterness snaps the tongue dry.

Aftertaste +2

The lingering spice, ripe fruits and alcohol burn never went away.

Alcohol Content +1 8.5%

It burned at the start; it burned at the end. The burn never seemed out of place.

Value +1

This was a great, strong ale. If you like your saisons, as I do, this is make your palate happy.

Ingame Enhancement +1

I love it when gamers suffer from the dreaded syndrome known as TMSPS (Too Much Spare Time Syndrome). They use this free time to make beautiful maps for Left 4 Dead. The fire and ice map is visually stunning. I found myself staring at the details and not fighting zombies.
Overall 9/10

This is a beautiful Belgian strong ale/saison. As I write this review up my mouth is watering. It was all there;spices from the hops, alcohol burn, effervescence, lemons, tart yeast and light fruits. This would make a perfect pairing with any meal, including breakfast cereal.

La Moneuse
Ommegang Hennepin
Farmhand Ale (Driftwood)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Delirium Tremens

Delirium Tremens

Ratebeer 3.57 91st percentile
Beer Advocate A-

Taste +5

I have had this bottle in the back of my fridge for some time. Today the pink elephant called to me quite loudly. The nose was big, the beer not the elephant, with yeast, sweet fruits (peaches and apricots) and alcohol. The sip was a glorious lightly tart with sweet fruits. The alcohol burns up from but warms at the end. You could pick out flavours of wheat, ripe apricots, canned peaches and sweet key limes.

Aftertaste +1

The pleasant alcohol warmth mixes well with the fruit sweetness, but vanished too quick.

Alcohol Content +1 8.5%

Value +1

This was a great Belgian strong Ale. It was more on the sweet side with not so much yeast.

Ingame Enhancement +1

No gaming but went down to Canoe Club to try the new Habit Espresso Stout. It was packed.

Overall 9/10

It was delicious with tart fruit sweetness backed with alcohol. It went well with the sweet curry I had for dinner

Brasserie Des Rocs Brune
Local 1

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Premium Faro

Premium Faro (St. Louis)

Ratebeer 2.84 30th percentile
Beer Advocate B-

I have wanted to try this style but could not find any locally. Luckily I picked this one up at Firefly CBAW in Vancouver. The Faro style is essentially a lambic that has been sweetened or diluted to make it less tart and more palatable.

Taste +4

There is a lot of sweetness on the nose; mostly like tart, green apple. It was very apple cider like. The sip was effervescent, crisp and truly refreshing. There was juiciness to it, similar to dry English apple cider. Not tart at all.

Aftertaste 0

It was off dry, very crisp with a fast ending lingering of apple tartness.

Alcohol Content -1 3.2%

This is perhaps the lightest beer I have tried, but it did not lack in flavour.

Value +1

I wish that I had bought another one. This was delicious.

Ingame Enhancement +1

No gaming tonight, but I did learn that I might begin my journey to become a certified beer judge.
Overall 5/10

This was a delicious, sweet, slightly tart and fruity beer. Perfect for the patio on a hot day, or just about any other excuse you could think of.

Mort Subite Gueuze
Chapeau Kriek Lambic
Storm Black Current Lambic

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Trappistes Rochefort 6

Trappistes Rochefort 6

Ratebeer 3.77 97th percentile
Beer Advocate A-

Taste +5

Any bottle that reads Rochefort is golden. This is the lightest of the Rochefort numbers and the nose reflects it. There are sweet fruits, rock candy and slight hints of cherries. Every sip delivers a creaminess composed of light nuts, pale fruits which is slightly dry. At the end you are graced with a snap of tartness like sultan raisins.
Aftertaste +1

The slightly dry, tart and fruit sweetness doesn't last too long.

Alcohol Content +1 7.5%

Value +1

Golden, pure golden.

Ingame Enhancement +1

No gaming tonight, just drinking great beer. Yes, I am artificially inflating the score.

Overall 9/10

A strong, light Belgian ale the way it should be; it was sweet, fruity with no yeast.

Rochefort 10
Rochefort 8
Chimay Blue

Thursday, December 10, 2009



You can find this one on its own, or in the Belgium live beers six pack.

Ratebeer 3.57/5 91st percentile
Beer Advocate A-

Taste +4

The nose is honey with tart fruits. There certainly is a notable alcohol presence. A good alcohol tingle at the start enhances the tart fruits. Apricots, peaches and pit fruits are all represented within.

Aftertaste +1

It had a slightly astringent and tart ending.

Alcohol Content +1 10.5%

Wow. I have had stronger, but not many.

Value +1

This was the best brew from the Belgium variety pack.

Ingame Enhancement +1

The more I drank, the more I melted into the chair. The more I drank the less I cared about worldly concerns.

Overall 8/10

Another delicious, strong, fruity Belgian ale.

Orval Trappist
Westmalle Triple and the Beer Bottle Headshot
Local 1

Monday, November 30, 2009

Saison Dupont

Saison Dupont

Ratebeer 3.81 98th percentile
Beer Advocate A-
Taste +4

Yum, wonderfully dry with lemon, tangerines and yeast. The mouthfeel is dry and creamy, if that is possible. Aromas of lemon and skunk cabbage (the nice herbal kind) fill the room. Don't forget about the earthiness and grainy bits.
Aftertaste +2

The finish is long and dry with a slight tartness. It reminds me of an under-sweetened lemon meringue.

Alcohol Content +1 6.5%

All this and booze too..Woot

Value +1

I have yet to try a saison that I have not liked.

Ingame Enhancement +1

L4D2 is still fresh and confusing. Another good night with the CDN clan and Meterman. The alcohol content lowers the twitching reflex.

Overall 9/10

Wonderfully tart, dry, earthy with citrus bonus points. I find it hard to keep my glass away from my face.

Driftwood Farmhand Ale
Le Merle
Ommegang Hennepin